About Me

About Me

I finally realized, having a career in design is not what it’s all about in life for me. After moving from one country to another, and again from one coast to the other, after working in a field that is completely not related to my degree, and having a family and kids, I get it! I love creating, making things, but who can plan their lives…I sure can’t!
I learned about myself that I also like dealing with people. Meeting new people every day is a drive that keeps me going. So I have a career in HR that I really like, I get to dress up in suits and play in the adult’s world. In my art life I get to be a child forever, make crazy, funny creations, which are not always clear even to me.
It is kind of like me, living here having a full life, but sometimes I wonder do I really live here, or is part of me in Israel with my family and friends continue where we left off. 2 jobs, 2 lives, both exciting and fun, I’m sure the time to choose will come for me at some point… My passion has always been in art, design was just another aspect of it.
I have tried to gather my thoughts and my Art, to show mainly to myself that I have achieved something in my life, even if some days it doesn’t always feel like that. No matter what I end up doing in my daily job I tend to defer to my art when I can. If it’s in volunteering or having family activities in art with my kids, or consulting in design, anything to keep my passion going. it is kind of like riding a bike , you don’t forget, but it can collect dust if you let it sit.
I tried to list some of my milestones in art, to organize my personal chaos…
If I haven’t lost you on the way, Enjoy!